Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Finally Did It...

I finally did what I should have done years ago and downloaded Skype. Granted, my former computer was not able to handle a mic, so it wasn't really possible until this new computer came along. This thing is fabulous by the way.

Isn't technology wonderful? Now we will able to chat for free and see and hear eachother. We can also catch glimpses of eachothers apartments

Speaking of technology...What do you think of the new iPad? Game changer?

Monday, January 25, 2010

I have to say goodbye to Homer today

He really hasn't been doing well, and is now hunched under the cabinet, barely strong enough to stand. My mum made a 3:00 appointment for us to take him to the vet to be put down. Very very sad, I haven't stopped crying in hours. He was a wonderful pet and will always be the one who awakened my love for animals!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Comparison Shot for you...

I know you'll see them tomorrow - and this doesn't even do it justice...

but here's some kitty candy for your eyes...

Behold! The Ever-Growing and Always-Drowsy Percival and his disapproving sister!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gym. Tan. Laundry.

I love the Jersey Shore! This is what is so great about America. I love how shameless they are! And I have to say, when we used to go tanning in Sackville, I did feel like I was the shit. Let's go get some cullah!

It does seem to be exactly the same as the Real World, except you must be Italian, and you won't get kicked off for punching people.

For the record - her hat says Porn Star in Training. I would probably physically attack her too if I saw her!

Friday, January 8, 2010

You Watch Jersey Shore Right?

If not, you gotta get on and watch that shit. If you have been watching then why haven't we been comparing notes yet?

ANYWAY now it turns out Michael Cera and those Jersey goons hung out and filmed a promo which were on mtv this Thursday, which I am sad I missed :( But he talks about it on Jimmy Fallon's show. (around 2:47 they get to it)

Anyway, I am thinking of trying to go see Youth in Revolt this weekend...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

This is What You're Missing...

Just read this.

I can't even wait to hear the stories from this on Monday. I almost want to ride the subways all day on Sunday just to see the outrage and shock. Imagine if this happened in would be interesting to compare the results.

Another Childhood Favourite...soiled and discarded.

So...I went to see Avatar last weekend with Ali and Jeff and Tim...3-D glasses and all! Don't know if you've seen it, but it's essentially a 2 and a half hour excessive remake of Fern Gully. I will admit that the film was visually stunning, and apparently that's all it had to be...

Which brings me to my next point. Went to see Where the Wild Things Are last night. Not sure if you've seen that one either, but I could say the same thing. Loved the original score by Karen O (of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs), thought it was beautiful to look at, loved the book as a kid. But ughhhhhhhhhhhh....without giving it all away, the part of the book that was so magical to me as a child was completely changed for the movie!! I mean Spike Jonze should stick to what he does best, because this movie was, essentially, a 90 minute music video. Could have been 8 minutes long and included all the same shit.

And Tony Soprano as the kind monster threw me off...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Turbulence on the horizon

So as the wings of love soar off into the misty moonlight, somebody forgets to hold on.

In a competition full of ruthlessly competitive women desperate for the love of our smarmy yet very handsome pilot, who would possibly take her eye off the prize even for a second?

I'm thinking it is probably one of our sexier blondes. My money is on one of these two..

The only other possibility for me is that devilish brunette nanny who brought the football.

Either way, we find out next week apparently!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Love is More Powerful than Flying!

Poor Tim. He was so sweet and agreed to watch the Bachelor with me last night in hopes of curing my blues. As soon as the subtitle for the show was announced - On the Wings of Love! - I knew we were in for a good time. Tim gradually melted into the couch, and by half an hour in, he was in the fetal position. When Ashley came out in the stewardess outfit, he had to hide behind one of our throw pillows. This progression was documented for you:

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I need your address!

What is your mailing address? I have some things to send you. I realize they will probably arrive the same week you come to see me, but that's alright! I didn't get my shit together to get it to you in time for Christmas so...yeah. I need an extension.

See you in thirteen days!